Destiny - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022


- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

The scriptures teaches that humans are created with the ability to make moral choices and that they are responsible for every choices they make. This means that the destiny of the person depends on how much harmony they live with God. And following moral teachings will lead to more better destiny.


Noun: Des•ti•ny
 Something that will happen in the future for a person or things.
It is a predetermined course of events that is often held to be irresistible.
It is something or someone will experience in the future.
Synonyms for destiny
Circumstances, doom, fate, fortune, kismet, lot, portion.

There are two kinds of destiny. The first one is God given destiny. And the second one is the destiny according to our own decisions today.

Jemiah 1:55 before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nation's.

In this verse God is telling us that he gaved us destiny before he form us to the womb of our mother. It means we have a mission to fulfill here in earth and not just to be born for nothing.

Proverbs 16:3 
3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

If someone commits himself to the LORD, the LORD will be the one to stablish his plans. Meaning he will be guided in his ways and his decisions will depend on the LORD GOD. And he will have a much better future than the others. Because GOD will always gives him the best as a reward for his commited works.

Just like a laborer who is committed to his work, when his employer see his dedication and commitment the employer will give that laborer more importance. And even give him a higher salary. Even the employer will not say "good job", in his heart he is proud and happy to have a commited laborer.

Same as God. If we are committed to him, we will never hear anything from him. But we will feel that he is proud of us. Because he will give you higher accomplishments than the others.

Proverbs 20:24
24 A person's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand their own way?

Sometimes there are things that is happening without our control or without our plan. This means that there are things that are destined to happen and we can't do anything to stop it.

Just like a storm that will come to ruin whatever it pass trough, no one can stop the storm to pass trough it's direction. Only we can do is to be ready before the storm comes and to wait for it to finish to pass. Then if the storm will left any damage, we don't have a choice but to fix it. And if it took a lives of people or animals, we don't have any choice but to accept that the storm pass away to ruin and take lives.

But the greatest destiny that GOD gaved us is our family. No one can choose who will be their parents and family to be. No one choose what kind of nationality to be. Even the time of the birth of the person depends on GOD'S timing.

But after the day a person is born, he is in-charged to choose what kind of future he wants for himself someday. And if he wants better and brighter future, he needs to work for it.

And that kind of destiny is based by choice. If the person's choice is to be a doctor someday, he needs to work for it. He needs to study hard and take a medicine course for him to be a doctor. And if he is doing it he is sure to himself what kind of future is headed for him because he is making things happen for his future.

If a farmer wants to have his own mango tree, he will plant a mango seed. And he will take care of it until it become a real tree and it will bear fruits for him. The farmer knows that he can't harvest mango fruits in just a year. He knows that it will takes many years for the seed to become a plant and from plant to become a tree and a tree to have fruits. But why does the farmer still plant the seed? Because he believes that it will happen. And the farmer this time make his own destiny to have a mango tree in the future.

The doctor and the farmer are one of those people who are sure of what they want in the future. And they have fixed plans to achieve it. No matter what happens and even how many times they fail, if they want to achieve their goals they will not surrender. Because they are making their own destiny.

No one knows what will happen later, because what will happen later is unpredictable. But anyone can determine what they want for the future. What ever circumstances will happen they know what they want. And they can only have it if they take a step forward to achieve their goals.

Every one is destined to die someday we all know that. But no one knows when it will happen and it's part of GOD given destiny. And if someone die in old age, is that person is ready?

We all know that it's hard to work if we are old. So if you have so much blessings now you need to save for the future. Even you don't have so much blessings you need to save for the future if you want to have a more stable life when your old.

If that person never saved anything for his future, his destiny is to work until the last breath of his life. But if the person save's for his future, even he save small in the future it will become big. His destiny is to have a stable life when he becomes old. And he don't have to work until the last breath of his life.

We holds our future. And it's for you to decide if you want a better future or to work until the last breath of your life. So decide now what destiny you want for the future. Because every thing you do for today will affect your future. And that will be your destiny.

"Do things now that your future self will be thankful for" 

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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