Enough is enough - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Enough is enough

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

We are living in a world with many critics. People who doesn't see what's their own mistakes but they see the small mistakes of others. 

But if we think of it, what's their problem to other people's choice?

 If someone make their own choice that is none of their business. They will say if I were that person I will do this or I will do that. "So what?" They just saying that because it's not their situation.
Sometimes we do things because we don't want to be judge by people around us. 
Or we want to make people proud of us. But if you did a mistake what will happen? 

They will also judge you. 

If you take a white paper and you put a dot on the center, what will people see? 

Will they notice how white is the paper? 

I think no. 

Because the first they will see is the small dot on the white paper that makes the paper unclean for them. So they will not use it.
Same for a person. If a person do the best to be a good person and that person made a mistake once, people will see the one mistake he made and they will forget the persons kindness and generosity before he made a mistake.
If you are a parent. And your one of the most outstanding students when your studying, and you will have a child that can't achieve what you used to achieve before, will you punish your child?
If Jesus Christ sacrificed his self on the cross will you do the same? And do you think if you do the same, Jesus Christ will be proud of you?
Enough is enough, we don't need to compare our selves to one another. Let other people be who they want to be. If you will do a certain action in a certain situation that the other people is experiencing and they never do the same as you do, well maybe they are not you.
 So why will you compare yourself to the person who is not even care about who you are.
Not because your a successful person you have the right to judge anyone. Not because your a successful student when your young, your child should also be like you. 

Because you don't hurt people physically but did you think about the emotional and mental effect on what you are doing?
And it's more harder to heal from the emotional and mental breakdowns. 
If you really want to help someone, try to listen and understand what's going on. 
Don't criticize because you never know how hard what's going on inside their mind and heart.
Never compare your self to anyone.
 Who do you think you are? To compair your self to others? Did you try to look in the mirror once? Did you asked your self what kind of person you are in front of other's? Maybe you can see the mistakes of others but did you see what's your own mistakes? Maybe you see the pimple of the other lady and laugh but your face have acne.
So don't laugh on others life. Don't judge them. Don't even force others to be like you. Even your child will not be you. And if someone is not perfect then why you will judge? Because if I am not mistaken, no one in this earth is perfect even you. Even the day needs night to be balance. Even the electricity needs negative and positive to be balance. And so are we, being human is not to be perfect but to be wise. Because no one is perfect. And if your saying that your perfect then your not a human. Your one of the Gods.
If we want to see change in others we need to start it to our self. If you want others to follow you then show them that your worthy enough to be followed. If you want to lead, you must be a good follower. Don't say I can, but show them what you can. And you will see that people becomes inspired by you. The real you without copying anyone. Because the best personality you can show is the real personality you have. 
And you can say to the people who criticize you. Enough is enough, you do what you want and I'll do what I want. As long as I'm not doing bad to anyone, I will do my own way. Because I am who I am. Accept me as me and if you can't just go and don't hurt me just to force me to be who you want me to be.
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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