The art of life - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The art of life

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Having the courage to do the right thing is not easy, even though we know what we want. Because sometimes what we want can ruin our life and even the life of other's.


Sometimes we want to be happy so we fight for what makes us happy. But will we really become happy to see others lonely?
Many times we feel like we are on the cross road to fight for our happiness. A heart and mind battle that even what ever we choose we loose a fight with no win.
Nothing is right or wrong in making decisions, if you want to know what's the best decision for all, try to look at the future effects of what we want to do if we're fighting for the best thing or not.
How can we know if if we're doing what's best for us?
Simply determine the effect of the decisions we make.
If the effect is not the best for you and for anyone then why still fight for it? And even what decision we choose we will still hurt someone. It's either our self or the others or sometimes even our loved ones.
So if we make a decisions make sure to choose the best so that the sacrifices will be worthy.
Choose wisely who you will be willing to sacrifice. Because any decisions that we make today will be our future.
Sometimes we want to escape to all negativities in life. But we need to understand that nothing is perfect. And the more negativities we are willing to face, the more we understand the art of life.
But the hurt in every trials will be real. But keep in mind that the more we get hurt the more we become wiser.
Not only become wiser but also stronger and more silent. Because we learn to gaurd ourselves to everyone.
And we become unstoppable in everything we want to achieve. Because the more silent we are, is the more clearer our mind will be. We will be able to know what we really want.
And if we want to know what we really want in our life, we need to start to study ourself.
And this may help us to find the truth we are seeking. Because if you want to see the truth around you, you need to find the truth of your self.
You need to face all your fears. Even the things that you don't want to remember because these things gives you many pain you need to be courageous to face it.
And facing your own hurts so you can heal and start over again.
And this will help us to know the person inside of us that is hidden. The real you that is hidden for a very long time.
And this time many people will ask you why you change. But the real thing is you really not change. You just show the real you that you always hide.
And you will start a new life with the more harmony with your self. A new energy and vibes that you never show before because your afraid of what the others will tell about you.
And the art of life will be slowly reveal to you.
So before making any decisions, or before telling someone what you like, make sure you mean it. And make sure if it's the real thing that you want. Because it has also impact on their life.
The art of life is mysterious so if you want to understand it reveal the mystery inside of you. Who you are and why you become the person you are now. Because who you are now is the fruit of your yesterday and what you are tomorrow is the effect of what you are today.
I will be happy to read your comments,,,
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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