Moringa and it's health benefits - Learning Lessons


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Moringa and it's health benefits

Did you know that including moringga in your daily diet will give you amazing results in your health?
Well read this article so you can understand why moringga is very beneficial to your health.

Scientific name: Moringa

Family: Moringaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Binomial name: Moringa Olifera

Moringa Olifera is a fast growing, drough resistant and a fairly large tree that comes from the family of Moringaceae and it is native to the Indian subcontinent.

It also comes from a variety of names such as drumstick tree, Horse radish tree, Ben oil tree and in the Philippines it is called malungay tree.

This tree is so amazing because almost all of it's parts are eaten and can be used in a traditional herbal medicines because it has many health benefits that is proven over a thousand of years ago.

This plant is also very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds.

Specially to the leaves.

It's leaves is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals.

It contains Protein, Vitamin B6, Iron, Riboflavin ( b2 ), Vitamin A, Beta - carotene and Magnesium that is very beneficial to a healthy body.

However, Moringa leaves may contain high levels of antinutrients that may reduce the absorption of minerals and protein.

Compaired to it's leaves, it's pods are lower in vitamins and minerals but it is rich in Vitamin C.

Moringa is high in antioxidants that acts against free radicals in the body and it is helpfull to prevent oxidative stress, wich is associated with chronic deseases such as heart deseas and type 2 diabetes.

There are also studies showing that Moringa may help lower blood sugar levels but the effect are not all same levels.

That's why scientists believe that these effect is caused by plant compounds such as isothiocyanates.

Isothiocyanates is the chemical group
- N=C=S,
It is formed by substituting the oxygen in the isocyanate group with a sulfur.

Maybe Moringa leaves can help reduce blood sugar levels but it needs more research still.

Moringa may also helps in reducing inflammations because it has anti - inflammatory properties.

And the scientists believes that the isothiocyanates are the main anti - inflammatory compound in Moringa.

But these effects are only tested in animals and it's not yet tested to humans.

Moringa also lower cholesterol levels that can help to prevent the risk from heart desease.

It may also protect against Arsenic toxicity from food and water.

Long term exposure to high levels of arsenic may lead to health problems and may increase the risk of cancer.

I there fore conclude that Moringa Olifera is very benefitial to our health. And adding it to our daily diet is very helpfull to have a good health.

- Disclaimer -

- This article is only based on my personal research, I am not a health specialist so if your suffering from any illnesses please consult your doctor -

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