Aloe Vera and it's health benefits - Learning Lessons


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Aloe Vera and it's health benefits

Aloe vera is commonly and widely used in beauty products and skin cares and even the treatment of many skin problems since the ancient years. But not all know that it is also used in many medical treatment.

Aloe Vera

Scientific name: Aloe vulgarisBelongs to the family of asphodelaceae

Category: Miracle plant

Modern day studies shows that aloe vera is not only beneficial to skin cares but also beneficial to our health.

In this article we will discuss about the benefits of the aloe vera in many aspects of our skin and many health conditions.

Aloe vera is an ornamental and a medical plants that grows about 8 inches and it is stemless.

It is native in southern europe of North and south africa. But now aloe vera can be found in all continents.

It contains enormous nutritional and medicinal properties.     
It also stimulates the body's immune system.

It also contains anti biotic and anti inflammatory. It is also a laxative that may help to relieve from constipation.

Also it purifies the body because it eliminates toxins that can help to clean the clustered organs such as kidneys, liver and lungs.

Aloe vera contains Vitamins A, B, C and E. It also contains mineral salts, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chlorine, iron, chromium, sodium, selenium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. It is also one of the plants who contains Vitamin B12.

This plant has a large range of therapeutic properties that plays a big role in skin treatments.

It can treat psoriasis, seborrhea, danruf, minor burns, skin abrasions, herpes sores, acne, anal fissures and indured skin cause by radiation.

Aloe vera has many beauty benefitsYou may use aloe vera gel to be a make up primer if you apply it before the foundation.

And it can also remove make ups. Aloe vera is a natural skin moisturizer.

It may also help to soothen sunburns. It can also help to treat irritated scalps.

The aloe gel can also slow the aging of the skin and it helps the skin to retain moisture and improve the skin integrity.

And it is also very helpful for people who have dry skin.Oral take of aloe gel may increase the collagen production that may result to the improvement of the skin elasticity within 90 days.

Aloe vera also contains high anti oxidants that may help to improve health. It also contains antibacteria thatay help to prevent skin redness, itching and infections.

Studies show that using aloe vera in the treatment of the second degree burns is very effective. It shows that the healing time of the burns reduces compairs to the conventional medications.

Using 100% pure aloe vera juice as a standard mouthwash may effectively kill the plaque producing bacterium streptococcus and reduces the build up of the plaque on the bacterial films on our teeth.

It may also helps to treat tooth decay and gum problems.There are also studies that found out that aloe vera could have benefits to the people whith pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Because it has effect on the glycemic control.

It may help to enhance the insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar management. Drinking aloe juice may help to relieve from constipation because of its laxative effects.

But there is also risk in using aloe vera because it has side effects. So before using aloe vera you might need to consider some things to remember.

If you have sensitive skin it may irritate your skin.Too much take of aloe vera juice may cause diarhea because it has powerful laxative effects that can cause stomach cramps.

It may also cause electrolyte imbalance in your blood if you drink aloe vera juice in several days.

Too much take of juice may stain your colon.

So if you have a plan to take colonoscopy you need to avoid drinking it for a month.

Anything that is too much is not healthy. So if you want to use aloe vera don't use too much so it may help you to proven your health without any risk.

"It's up to us to take care of our body. Using too much for faster results may risk your health."

- Disclaimer -

- This article is only based on my personal research, I am not a health specialist so if your suffering from any illnesses please consult your doctor -

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