Silence is a virtue - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Silence is a virtue

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

In life we usually talk to people around us. We need voice to be heard. We need to talk so we will be understand. But if we talk we need to be careful and choose our words wisely. Because the words that is coming from our mouth may ruined or renew life, even our own life.

 Words are the weapon of a human that can't be stop. And this words are very powerful that it may renew or ruin life of a person that is targeted by this words if the person don't know how to guard himself. It may target our mind, heart and even our soul.

When we talk to others and we share our life to them, that is when they can know how to attack us. They will know our strength and weakness. They will know how to help or ruined us. 

You're Lucky if you find a person who will help you. But if you find a person that is full of negative energies like envy, hate, bad intentions, jealously and more. This person will keep you stuck and will do everything to stop you to achieve your goals in life.

It doesn't matter if they really needs that, or really wants what you have. They will stop you and take it away from you because they will not be happy to see you achieving your goals in life. 

These people can appear so much nice and a friend for you so that it will be easy for them to know your next moves. Specially if your moving faster than how they move. 

And believe me, this people will lead to your spiritual death. 

They know that you have what it takes to be successful, that's why they are doing their best to stop you for achieving your goals.

More of these people are those people who don't love them selves. Because if a person is not capable of loving themselves they are also not capable to love others. They are the people who most value things that will never last, things that can be buy with money and can be see by the eyes and they never knows what are the real valuable things in life.

" If a person only knows the value of one thing because of its price then the person never knows the real value of one thing" 

They are the people who is codependent. And if your a kind of person who is independent, they will do anything just to stick with you. Because they don't know how to love themselves. They are those people who is hurt to see other peoples happy. They will say things to you thay will makes you obey them. They will invite you to do things that will ruin your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul. They will say all the sweetest words to you so you will stay and not to do your duty.

" There is a saying that hurt people, hurt people" 

It means that they can only achieve happiness if they see you miserable. Because you have what it takes to be happy and they hate to see you happy.

Then before you realise that they are already reach that goals that you want and your still there moving in circles. Making you please them, need them, and to be codependent to them.

If a person is a true friend, this person will guide you to your life's purpose. This person will be happy to see you happy, this person will do things that others cannot do for you, this person knows how to approach you, this person knows you need help or only support, this person will not take your duty but will incourage you and pursue you to do your best in your duty.

This person will say the negative traits you have so you will know why you are stuck in your life. This person will be willing to give without any returns and conditions, even you say thank you or not, even you know them or not they will help you. This person will lead you to your spiritual growth. And specially this person will give you unconditional love that you will not forget for the rest of your life.

But if you encounter people that is envey, they will make you do things that will ruin your life. They will lead you to addictions, frustrations, adultery, murder and many more sin that will lead to your death even the death of your soul. 

" Keep in mind that the a true friend is the one you can trust. And being a family is not measured by blood. Any one that will tell you to do bad things in life is not a friend, and any member of the family that will tell you things that may ruined your life is not a family even they are your parents " 

Because a true friend is a friend that will lead you to light and the false friends will lead you to darkness. A true family will lift you up when your down and will celebrate when your happy. Maybe your family by flesh but your not family in spirit. Because many times that your family will be your worst enemy. 

So keep your lips close and smile. Don't say something if that thing is not necessary to be spoken. And sometimes there are thing's that needs to be kept in silence because no one can feel the pain you have and no one can help you but God. 

"And its painful to realise that we are living in the world with many people with us but in the reality, we are alone in our own life journey" 

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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