Banana and it's health benefits - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Banana and it's health benefits

Banana is a fruit that is excellent for snack, food desserts and even breakfast. It's one of the most popular fruits in the world. 

In this topic we will talk about the benefits of the banana in our health.


Genus: musa
Kingdom: Plantae 
Family: musaceae

Noun: Ba•nan•a

Banana is a tropical and subtropical palm like plant that bear's fruits. It has a very large leaves but lacking a woody trunk. It's fruits is long curved and grows in clusters. It has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe.

Banana fruit contains potassium, vitamin b6, vitamin c, magnesium, copper, manganese, carbohydrates, fiber and protein.

Banana also contains a fair amount of fiber that may help in healthy digestion. It is rich in pectin. A type of fiber that gives the flesh a spongy structural form.

The unripe banana contains resistant starch that may moderate blood sugar levels. It also reduce appetite by slowing the emptying of the stomach. The resistant starch functions like a soluble fiber in the body. The greener banana has a higher resistant starch contents than the yellow or riped banana. But the riped banana contains higher amount of soluble fiber.

Both pectin and resistant starch offers an appetite reducing effect that increases the feeling of fullness in the stomach. The amount of the pectin and resistant starch is depending on the ripeness of the banana. 

The unripe banana may improve insulin sensitivity. Bananas are low to medium I the glycemic index ( GI ). Unriped banana is also about 30 ( GI ) and the riped banana is about 60
 ( GI ).

 There are several studies reveal that 15 - 30 grams of resistant starch per day may improve the insulin sensitivity from 33 - 50% in a few weeks. And the unriped banana is a great source of resistant starch. 

But still more studies is needed for this 

People with type 2 diabetes should probably avoid eating too much of the ripe bananas and those people who monitors their blood sugar. Because it contains a higher amount of sugar than the unriped bananas.

Bananas may also improve the digestive health. Because it has dietary fiber that improves digestion. It is rich in fiber and resistant starch that may feed to be friendly gut bacteria and may also help to protect agains colon cancer.

Bananas is also rich in potassium and magnesium that are essential for heart health. Potassium can help lower the blood pressure that lower the risk of heart desaese and may improve kidney function. Magnesium is also important for heart health. Potassium in banana helps regulate critical body functions that is also linked to health benefits.

Banana is also a good source of antioxidants. It contains several types of potent antioxidants including dopamine and catechins that is beneficial to health and may reduce the risk of heart desaese and degenerative illness. 

Bananas have dopamine that acts as a strong antioxidants. The antioxidants of the banana helps to reduce damage from free radicals and lower the risk of some diseases. 

Eating banana may help to reduce the muscle cramps soreness because it has mineral content that is easily digested carbs. And it is said to be an excellent fuel for endurance exercise.

So start a healthy Life by eating bananas. Just don't eat too much so that it may help improve your health. 

- Disclaimer -

- This article is only based on my personal research, I am not a health specialist so if your suffering from any illnesses please consult your doctor -

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