Heal the world by Michael Jackson - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Heal the world by Michael Jackson

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

This song is one of the most inspiring songs that is written and performed by Michael Jackson.
Although it's a big question if Micheal Jackson is an instrument of good or evil, in my own opinion we just have to choose wisely. We don't have the right to judge him inspite of all the bad issues that is coming out for him.

If you really know how to appreciate art, you will see how beautiful is the meaning of this song.
He is an artist who wrote compositions to show the reality that he sees in the world. Then he make it a song to make it easy to engage with people and it's more easier for him to tell the world what's inside his mind and heart.
He wants to open the eyes of many people about the reality that he sees in the world.
Many of us has eyes can see, but we choose to be blind. Many of us has a mouth to speak but we choose to close it because we are afraid of say the reality.
But isn't it true? That the world needs our help? The world needs us more than we need it. The world takes care of us. But did we think how to bring back love for this dying world.
When will we open our eyes? When it's all out of time?
If we listen very carefully to this song we will understand the heart of this song. And what the composer wants to say to the people that is living in this world.
This song contains very inspiring lyrics. 
This song is asking us to take care of the world not only for the generation now, but for the next next generation. When he say for our children and the children of our children's.
And if you listen to this song you will feel how Micheal sing this with all his heart.
Every song he sings, he sing it with all his heart. That's why it has a different impact to the listeners.
It's the vibration that is sent by his music.
Because every songs that is sung with the heart, can touch the other people's heart.
And he is telling us that our mother earth that is taking care of us and giving us all we need is also needs to be take care.
We are so busy pursuing our dreams and we don't care if we are destroying our mother earth that is taking care of us.
Please don't be blind, don't be silent, don't be a person who doesn't care. Because the problem of our mother earth is our problem.
Don't wait for the time that we don't have a clean air to breathe, a fresh and clean water to drink, a fresh food to eat, clean seas and rivers to swim a beautiful land to run and play for our kids, a big trees to climb and many more.
Take care of our mother earth now that we still hear the bids humming, now that we still catch fish in the seas and rivers, now that we still see and smell beautiful flowers now that we still can breathe, now that the earth is still alive.

Heal the world now!!!
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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