Only truth will set you free - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Only truth will set you free

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

We are told of manny beliefs by our parents and community. But sometimes this beliefs doesn't serves us in our daily lives. And it even creates limitations to our growth.


Sometimes we need to use our mind in this situations.
For example, you are told by your parents and your community that you need to do fasting, but you have an ulcer. What do you think will be the effect of fasting to a person with ulcer?
If your a doctor. And your religion tells you that you can't work in Sunday, and someone needs an urgent surgery operation in Sunday and if you never do the operate on that day the patient will die. Will you tell your patient, sorry, today is Sunday I can't operate you now because my religion tells me that God will be angry if I work in Sunday.
Not all things that is told to you to believe will serve you. God gives you your own mind to use it. Not to just believe to anything people wants you to believe. And if you believe that there is God, you know that he will not be angry if you do things that will serve for the better.
Because God is the most ever forgiving and the most ever loving of all. And he don't force anyone to do things that they don't like to do or things that they aren't capable to do.
Forcing someone to do things they can't do is not a work of God. It's a work of evil. " Because only evil will force someone to do things that he wants and not the person wants."
Romans 12:9
9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
This say " hold fast to what is good." So you need to determine what's good and bad so that you will not be tricked by evil in his wrong teachings.
And the genuine love of God is the reason why he will not force anyone to do things that he is not capable to do. And things that never serves for his higher good.
If a person thinks that he can do something, then he can do it. Because once the person analise it on their mind it can be form in physical form. Just like the scientists, they analyse things on their mind and they know they can do what's on their mind to physical form or to reality.
John 17:17
17 Sanctify them in the truth; your words is truth
I remembered when I was in grade 6, I told my mother that I will join a poster making contest. But my mother told me that I can't, because we don't have money. I never ask my mother again for her support, but I told to my self I need to do something. I see a family friend walking on the street, and I asked that person if she have money that I can barrow. I told her I will pay her from my allowance or I will work to clean her house because I really need money . She asked me why I need money. I told her about my reason honestly, and I was surprised that she gaved me the money for free and she was very amazed by me on how will I do anything just to pursue my goals.
I joined the contest but I never win the price. But I'm very proud of myself that day, because my work had been choose to be number 11 in the top 20. And there are more than 100 works that day. And for me, that is an accomplishment.
If I never told that person about my real situation before, she will not give me money. And I can't join the contest.
John 8:32
32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
If someone will try to play with your mind or to said something to you. Don't just believe them. Try to think if they are telling the truth or they just wanted to be obeyed.
Know what really makes you happy. Know what you really need and don't need. And don't just believe in things that is only told you to believe. Unless what they are telling is proven and it benefits for your highest good, then believe and do what they are telling you.
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If you want to know the person who is behind this article please click the link here: Learn World Lessons

Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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