Jouney - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022


- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Noun jour - ney 

It is something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another 

From youth to maturity is a journey through time

It is an act or instance of traveling from one place to another


In our lives we can't stay in only one place. We need to travel, whether that is a kind of local travel, ordinary travel or even international travel.

Our life is a kind of journey. But we can only say that our life is a meaningful journey if we become confident enough to step out on our comfort zone.

Doing same things over and over again is not a journey it is a routine. A circle where someone is inside. But if we decide to step out on this circle it is the starting of our meaningful journey. If we make a step to achieve our goals.

 What do you need in your life journey?

If you really want to take a meaningful journey you will need to have courage to step out on your comfort zone. A meaningful journey will not always be happy, many struggles you will face if you want to achieve your goals. And if you really want some meaningful journey you need some goals to be the map to follow so that you will not be lost even how many struggles you will face.

In your life journey you will need to face your fears and even your own demon's. You need to know who you really are so that you will know what is your weakness and strength.

You must learn to be patient because you can't achieve your goals instantly.

If you have goals as your map, you also need compass that will point you to the right direction you want to go.

The compass that will serve you will be your life experiences. Even you want to find all the answers to your questions in a book, you can't find it always in a book. 

Some situations in your life that needs answers is not written in the book. Because the book is only written by the people who have creative minds. 

The book of the life story of other's is not also the answer to your own journey. Because their life journey is written to be an inspiration not to be copied. Their journey is their journey, your journey is your journey. And if you realise that the most beautiful book to learn is the book of your own life, you will begin to study your own life so you will see the lessons that is made from it. 

Your life story is not written by the hands of anyone it is written by the hands of our all mighty God. 

He is the author of this life journey. And the people in the world are the characters. Just like an actor's and actresses in a real stage. Because this word is like a stage of actors and actresses. That if you will try to ask them one by one you will know that you don't have the worst experience in life.

Presence of mind is also playing big role in this life journey because it will help you determine the actions you will need to take to any situations.

Emotions is also playing big role I this life journey. Because if you let emotions to take over your life it may ruin everything you build. 

You also need to have a healthy body. This body will be your vehicle everywhere you want to go.

Now the most important to this journey is to have faith. Have faith that you will win and can reach the goals you set for your self. 

Always tell to your self everytime you fall, "I can do it." God is always at my back.
And always tell to your self I am strong and limitless, "no one can stop me but God. "

And you will see, one day all your hardships will be over. Trials will not end because once you finish one there will come a new one. But not trials will stop you from your journey. 

If your strong enough to face everything that will come to your way, you will be surprised in what you are capable to do. And don't be afraid to the dark side of your journey. Because through that darkest moments you will find the most golden lessons to learn. 

Take care and have a wonderful journey in your life.

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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