Health benefits of Oregano - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Health benefits of Oregano

Oregano is one of the commonly known herbal plant's in the world. It is often use for curing coughs and colds. But what are other health benefits of oregano? 

In this topic we will talk about the other health benefits of oregano.


Scientific name: Origanum
Family name: Labiatae

Romans and Greeks associated oregano with joy and happiness because the word oros came from the Greek word means mountain, and the word ganos means joy.

Oregano is in the Mediterranean regions as a herbal medicine to treat many ailments like skine sores, aching muscles, asthma, cramping, diarrhea, indigestion and colds. 

Oregano is a great antibacteria. It is loaded with antioxidants that can help to prevent the cells from damage. It also helps to boost overall health.

It also helps to treat headache and ease the muscle pain.

The antioxidants thymol, carvacrol, limonene, terpinene, ocimene, and caryophyllene gives the herb's scent and flavor.

Antioxidants helps the body to eliminate the free radicals, this are the toxic substances that results from natural processes and even environmental stresses.

A built up of free radicals in the body can trigger the oxidative stress and I can lead to cell damage that may also result in various diseases including cancer and diabetes.

Oregano affects the ability of the body to absorb copper, iron, and zinc that may lower blood sugar.

Oregano fights bacteria, relieves inflammation, helps to regulate blood sugar and lipids and also can fight help to fight cancer. 

Oregano has phytonitrients ( thymol and carvacrol ). It also an excellent sorce of fiber, manganese, iron, Vitamin k, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, lysine, valine, orgine, tocopherol, trytophan, calcium, limonene, terpinine, and ocimene.

The vitamin c in oregano also improves the immune system.The phytonutrients thymol and carvacrol helps fight infections.
The oregano oil is a remedy for sorethroats, poor digestion, nausea, nasal conjestion,cold sores and even muscle and joint pains, because it has antimicrobial properties.

Scientists also found an evidence that extracts of oregano may help prevent DNA damage of the cell due to oxidative stress, radiation and mitogens, it's a type of protein that can causes unwanted cell division.

There are also evidence found by reaserchers that carvacrol and thymol may also prevent melanoma cells from growing and can prevent from skin cancer from spreading.

Laboratory studies from 2013 suggested that origanum majorma may help to slow or even stop the progression of metastatic breast cancer.

It also improves the insulin resistance and also helps to regulate the expression of genes that affects fat and carbohydrates.

Oregano also helps to restore damaged liver and kidney tissues.

There are also research in 2015 that found out that an extract of oregano improved type 1 diabetes of the mice. This could be due to the oregano's antioxidants properties.

There are also studies in 2018, proving that oregano helps to treat depression due to chronic unpredictable stress.

Oregano can increase the risk of bleeding that's why it has to be avoided to consume 2 weeks before any surgery.

If someone is taking other medications or other health condition, it is better to ask the doctor first before consuming oregano.

- Disclaimer -

- This article is only based on my personal research, I am not a health specialist so if your suffering from any illnesses please consult your doctor -

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