Songs and music and it's magic - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Songs and music and it's magic

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Listening to music and songs is one of the favourite hobbies of many people. It can also helps us raise our vibes or make us emotional. 

Not all people have the same taste of music and songs. 

In this article we will talk about what is music and songs and it's effects on our life.
Here are some examples of the types of music, their definition and when they emerged.


 Not all music is happy and relaxing because music is reflecting the moods and emotions of the composer.

But if the composer is just making music for fame or money, it's not that touching to the heart of the listeners because the vibration from the heart of the composer will reflect on the music they made.
"Anything that is made up of love is also sending love"
So if the vibration that is not coming from the heart it can't also touch the heart of the listeners.
Starting from the start of the music you will feel the vibration of the mood of the music that is played by the musician.
Because music is also made of vibration, and our body has the ability to determine what kind of vibration is entering.
If you have problems or stress, it is not advisable to listen to sad music's because it may trigger your negative emotions.
It's better to listen to relaxing music or up lifting music to raise your vibration.
Our body may be so much affected in the music we are listening that's why we need to choose wisely what kind of vibration we allow to enter inside.
And staying on a higher vibes or positive vibes also atract positivity in our life's.
If the musician can't read the note and apply it correctly they can't play the exact rythim and tones of the music.
Every tone and rythim contains beat that comes out in every instruments or things that the musician is playing.
Musicians have a very artistic mind and creativity also.
If they love to play music they can deliver a unique and beautiful music that can affect the emotions of the listeners.

It's not easy to be in the band because you need to know the exact time you need to enter the music.
And to be like that you need to be a good listener to the other sounds coming from the other instruments played by your band mate.
So what do you want to be? 
A solo musician or a band member? 

Anything that the writer wants to tell the world they put it on a lyrics in a creative way.
Passionate songs took inspiration from arts and literature.
Every lyrics of the song contains situations or actions.
This situations may be from the past or present or even what the writer wants in his life in the future.
It may contain the past hurts, happiness, trials and the struggles of the writer or the person they dedicate the song.
It may also contain the actions they take to concour the situation.
It may also contain the present situation and how they feel the present time they wrote the song.
Some song's are also made to inspire other's to make a step to a better future.
It may contain dreams and the ambition of the song writer.
Some song writer's write songs to inspire others or to motivate others in an artistic way.
They will not say directly to the people what's on their mind but they will say it in an artistic way.
If we sing songs we must also know the meaning of the lyrics that the writer wants to say if it is helpful to us or not.
Because if we just listen or sing a song without direction, it will cause your life no direction also.
Because continuously listening or saying some words can put some idea in your mind. 

Because our mind is like a computer if you enter a program it will be automatically remembered.
So if you want to give your life directions listen to the songs with directions.
Because what is inside the mind will comes out in the physical movements of the body. 
If the singer also sings with their heart they can deliver the song in a nice and unique way.
Because every singers have their own authentic voice and style that can make the listeners to determine who is the one that is singing even they will not see it.
Singers can also collaborate with other singers. It is called duets. 
A good masterpiece is needing cooperation to make it beutiful.
And it will not be disturbing to the listeners.
That's why the combination of musics and songs plays a big role in molding our minds and emotions.
So be careful of what kind of song and music you let your children to listen because they have more space on their mind and their heart. 

As a child born nothing is stored in their mind and heart, and if you let them listen to nonsense music and songs you are letting them store nonsense things in their mind and heart that will effect their life in the future.
Its better to store love and ambition to the mind and heart of the child while they are young. To help them build a better future for themselves.
- This article is based on my personal research -
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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