The birthday gift - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The birthday gift

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Love is a natural feelings that people have. But many people is not aware of self love. Many people believes that if we love someone, we need to do anything for them.

If we love our parents, we must do anything that our parents wants us to do so that our parents will be proud of us. We need to be a good child. And if were not, our parents will be angry.
Yes we love our parents. But do we need to work for their love?
I remember when I was looking at the facebook when I was in Kuwait. It was my break time so I decide to open my fb to read some stories. And there is a one story I read that day that I can't forget because it was a heart breaking story. I really forget who post the story but I can't forget the story. I even don't know if the story is true or not. But even it's true or not the lesson in that story is real.
It is a story about a mother and daughter. The mother is a rape victim when she was a student. And because of what happened to her she got pregnant and never finished her study. And the baby she gaved birth is very beutiful baby. Since she gaved birth to her baby, she never show her love. Until the child grow.
The child do anything that her mother wants. She grow up as a good girl. She is a very intelligent, beutiful and nice girl. A kind of daughter that any parents will be proud of.
But inspite of everything, her mother didn't give her the love and attention she deserves. She loves her mother so much. And she will do anything just to make her mother happy.
But still her mother can't forget the pain. And every time she see her daughter, she remembers the night that she was raped. She blame her daughter why she never finished her study. Because of the shame to have a child in a young age without having a husband.
But if she look in a positive way, her daughter is a blessing that she have that not all mother have. Because she have an almost perfect daughter. A daughter that will love her and will be willing to make her happy for the rest of her life.
One night, the daughter go to her mother and asked. Mama, tomorrow is your birthday. What do you want me to do to make you happy? I will do anything just to make you happy tomorrow because tomorrow is your birthday. I love you so much mama. Anything you ask me to do, I will do it for you. I just want to see you happy. "Said the daughter."
Then the mother answered, you want me to be happy? You ask me what will make me happy? And the daughter said, yes mama I will do anything just to make you happy because I love you.
Then go and kill your self so I won't remember the pain that you brought to my life. So I will not remember where you came from. I don't want to see you in my life ever! The angry answer of the mother.
After the mother answer, the daughter hug and kiss her mother. And said, I love you so much mama. No matter what I will always love you. Then the mother push her and said, enough of your nonesense drama.
In the morning, the mother is calling her daughter because she will give her daughter a command to clean the house because she will have many visitors for her birthday.
But even the mother is angry her daughter never answer. She is very angry and talking bad words for her daughter. But still her daughter don't answer. That's why she decided to go to her daughter's room. She take a belt so she can punish her because of being stubborn.
When she opened the door of her daughter's room. She can't believe what she see. And she almost lost her mind to see her daughter hunging from the ceiling of her room. And she's dead already.
She find her strength to read the letter that her daughter left. It said, happy birthday mama. Even you don't love me, I love you so much. I hope you will be happy for the rest of your life now because from now on you will not remember your bad experience that brought me to you. Happy, happy birthday mama.
The mother cry and realised that she love her daughter. She realised how important her daughter is. And this time she realised that she is a bad mother.Now the mother realised how important her daughter is. Because she lost her.
If the daughter learn to love her self she will not kill her self. If we realised that theres nothing we can't do to make our loved ones to love us the way we want to be loved. And if we walk away from the people who don't see our worth they will start to realise how worthy we are. 
So don't love anyone more than your self and always see your own worth because people will not see your worth unless they lost you. Love your self so people will see your worth.
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you


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