The mysterious feeling called love - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The mysterious feeling called love

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Many people stay in a relationship even they don't get the love they deserve. 
Knowing to love your self is harder than to love others.
But why?
"And that's what we will talk about now"

If you love someone it's a magical and mystical feelings that you will feel inside your heart.
It's a feeling that you can do anything or can give everything to the person you love.
It's a knowledge of our hearts that can't be explain.
Because no books will be found that can explain why we love someone.
Because unconditional love is given without waiting for anything in return.Love is also confusing.
No one knows why you love a certain person inspite of the persons negativities.
Sometimes we stop our self to love someone because for us it's the right thing to do.
Specially if the person is not giving you back in anything that you gives.
But is there any wrong or right if you really love someone?
And choosing not to be with someone who you really love will create conflicts to our heart and mind.
The battle between the heart and the mind is very difficult to escape.
Because no one knows your battle. It's a silent war.
A war that is happening inside of you.
A clear and loud voice that only you can hear.
A feeling that you can't breathe and your chest is full and will explode anytime.
A feeling that you want to tell the world how much you are suffering.
But you will stay quiet like a calm and peaceful sea in front of anyone.
It's a wound inside you that no one see.
A wound that can't be treated by alchol or any medicine.
A pain that can't be gone even you take any pain reliever.
A pain that is keeping you in sorrow night and day.
How can you tell anyone what's going on inside of you?
If you know that no one will understand you.
So you will keep it inside yourself. And let the wound to bleed.
A bleeding that can't be wipe with any tissue.
And the hurt of that wound is more painful than the hurt of having a physical wound.
And your starting to ask yourself, how to heal from this wound?
But sometimes even we don't admit it, more of us will stay in the decision of the mind. 
Where there is less conflict outside.
And no other people will be hurt only ourselves.
But after we see others happy because we choose a less conflict relationship, are we happy?
Sometimes we question ourselves, why can't we love someone who deserves our love?
Someone who always by your side no matter what.
Even what that person do, it can't affect you.
Then after seeing someone you never known in your whole life and just see or talk to that person in a minute.
The person left without knowing that your heart is already stolen.
Stolen from that person who never done anything in your life yet.
It's so unfair! 

Yes, it's so unfair for that person who always loves you and supports you all the time can't get the same love that you give for that stranger.
But can we teach our heart?

Because love comes just like a thunder that will shock you.
Just like a hurricane that may destroy you.
But still it feels good when your inlove
A feeling that your like flying when you talk or see that person.
A feeling of unexplainable butterflies in your stomach.
A feeling that you want to run away from that person, because the feeling is not usual for you.
It's different feeling that you feel in other relationship and people around you.
The feeling of happiness that you can't get in buying any material things.
A feeling that no one in the world is greater than that person.And if you talk to that person you will not notice others.
And when you look in that person's eyes, it's like a magnet.
And it will catch your eyes even your far away.
A feeling to be pulled in that person's direction even everyone tell you it's wrong.
A feeling of missing that person every single minute of your life.
A feeling of loneliness if you know that the person you love is hurt by you.
Then your starting to ask why you feel different for that person?
A person who always on your mind even you try to forget.
A person that you cannot hide even at night.
Because even you sleep at night the person will show to your dreams.
That's why many people wants to stay in a relationship even if they are not reciprocated.
Sometimes to give so much love to someone can ruin your life.
Because the love that you feel inside is driving you crazy.
That you will be slave of that love.
And never noticing that your starting to forget to love yourself. 
And sometimes it's more hard to love yourself than to give love to others.
It's not good to stay in a relationship that your the only one that is giving.
And forcing someone to love you will only hurt you too.
You must know how to give space if you love the person.
Because giving that person space will make that person realise if the person also loves you or not.
Because no matter what you do, if the person don't love you the person will not love you back.
You must learn how to love yourself.
Because even you do nothing, love will come in unexpected way and time.
"So take care of your self. 
Untill the right person will come and will give you unexpected love that you never felt before in your whole life."
Because the greatest love you can have is loving yourself.
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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