The sunset - Learning Lessons


Monday, May 23, 2022

The sunset

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

February 7, 2021, 5:55 pm. I'm sitting outside my house when accidentally I look up in the sky.

It's not my hobby to view the sun rise and sun set, but in my place I can't avoid to see it.

 I live in the mountain side. Although it's an elevated place, it's civilized.
I'm lonely that time thinking about my business that is in crisis.
I never thought that in just a second I will forget what I'm thinking and I will smile just like I have no any problems.
The sky, it was so beautiful. The combination of orange and red and I can't figure out what other colors I see combining in the sky.
The dark and light, that is very amazing.
The same time with the cold air that is touching my cheeks and the smell of the flowers that is blooming from the mountains.
I can't explain the feelings that I felt that time.
I'm a nature lover, in fact I grew up in the city but I don't want to live there now. Because it's more relaxing to me to live here in the province.
I love the feelings that I felt everytime I'm close to nature.
To walk without sleepers and feel the heat of the soil.
To play under the rain that until now I'm doing.
To cook fresh vegetables that I pick from my own vegetable garden.
To take the fresh water from the well.
All of this things makes me happy.
I don't know why, but the simplest things makes me happy.
Just like this event of sunset.
Looking at the sun going down while I listen to the birds humming and to the sound of the cricket.
It's like a fantasy in my reality.
Imagining what will happen again tomorrow.
And being gratefull to God that he is giving me time to rest.
Because every time the sun is coming out, it gives us new hope.
But every time the sun goes down it gives us sign that we also need to rest and give time for our selves.
Even how small or big the problems that we have, we still need to rest and take care of our selves.
Because we can't continue our fight in life if we're tired.
We need strength to face a new tomorrow.
Because whether we like it or not, another day will come again tomorrow.
Another hope but another fight and another struggles and test to our human being is coming again after this night.
And if we don't take care our selves, we can't see the beauty of a new sunrise. The beauty and hope for the new day that is coming.
Because we are tired and exhausted so we can't see any beauty even it's already in front of us.
Sunset for me means new hope and new life.
Because whatever wrong you done today you can avoid it tomorrow.
And whatever you never finish today you can continue it tomorrow.
A heart warming love that our God is giving us.
Because he is giving us time to rest.
But before we rest don't forget to analyse what are the things we done today so that we understand our self more.
We need to study our self first before studying others.
We need to understand our self first before others will understand us.
We need to love and respect our self first before others will love and respect us.
And also don't forget to thanks God for the day that is ending, and pray that we can open our eyes again for the new day that is coming.

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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