Untill we meet again - Learning Lessons


Monday, May 23, 2022

Untill we meet again

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

Sometimes we meet people by accident. But these particular person will play a big role in your life in an instant.

Sometimes in an instant we get a deep connection to people we meet. We start to be confuse on the feelings that is developing to that person. Specially if you just meet that person.

But can we explain the feelings that we have?
Some people cross our path to just teach us some life lessons. It's not always to be with that person forever. Some lessons are painfull but it is needed for our spiritual growth.
Knowing to accept that they have their own destiny to fulfill. But sometimes they will left you with memories that you will never forget.
Sometimes they are friends, co worker, teacher, or even the stranger walking on the street is put to your path to give you some unforgettable lessons.
I remember an old woman who walk with me in the street. It was the first week of the covid 19 pandemic lockdown in my place. So everyone needs to walk to reach their destination because there is no public transportation allowed.
She is on the other side of the street walking alone. And I'm at the other side of the street also walking alone. I have many loads to carry that time because I need to secure the foods for one week so that I don't need to go out always.
She cross the road just to talk to me. And I'm surprised that she asked if I need help. I don't want to give her some of the things that I carry because she is old and I'm thinking if it's right to let the old woman help me because I know I'm more stronger than her.
But she tell me this words, " don't force yourself to carry loads that you can't carry," if someone wants to help you to lighten your load let them help you."
So even if I'm ashamed to give her some of my loads I gaved it to her, because I know she will not stop asking me for her help.
Along the road while we walk she tell me, now we start to feel the that GOD is real. After the eruption of the Taal volcano here in the Philippines and now covid 19. I hope people will see that if GOD will punish us he can.
She tell me that people are too busy making money and too busy to be rich and children are too busy to online games but they don't even give time for GOD. They think that all we need is to work to be alive. Because they are afraid to loose money. But if we think of it GOD never create money.
And she tell me that because of money there is war, there is envy, there is crimes because people who loves money will do anything for money.
I tell her yes your right mother. Some people never become contented in their life even they are blessed. Because they see the blessings of other's that's why they can't see their own blessings. They want the life of other's to be their life.
After that she tell me this words, I may not be your mother or your relatives but I want to give you some words that will help you through your entire life.
Always be contented on what you have and learn to grow what's yours. Don't be envy to others because all people have a gift from God. Look at your self in the mirror and ask yourself if you are making the right decisions in your life. And if not don't be angry of yourself always remember that any mistakes you have may teach you a better lessons. 
Grow like a fruitful tree... 
Always be happy...
Always love yourself because at the end of the road there is only two of you, it's only you and God. So don't love others more than you love God and yourself because everyone has their own destiny to fulfill. Always be brave in all circumstances that may come to your life.
And most important of all don't be a materialistic person and be humble all the time so that you will not make decisions that may cause you regrets in the future. 

Always remember God knows what you want and God knows what you need. But he also knows when you need it most just trust him.
After she told me that words she looked into my eyes and said, you know what? I see myself in you. And I know the beauty that is hidden inside of you that not all people see. Take care young lady there is more waiting for you.
Then she tell me,,, good bye I'm here already. 

Till we meet again....
My heart beats so fast that moment I feel like the world stop and I don't know if I am happy or I want to cry, my heart started to feel mix emotions. My head started to remember my pain in my life. I stop walking for a while and think... 
That moment I never thought I will praise God for letting that old woman to enter my life for a small time and she really was an amazing person. It feels like I talked with an angel who is in human form here on earth. And she was sent by heaven for me in the exact time that I need someone to talk and will listen to me.

I hope to see her again...

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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