Introvert's - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Introvert's are those people who is very intelligent and artistic and they posses a good and loving heart they are good listeners and they find solution to any problems.

They are the kind of people who knows exactly what they want and always spend time alone because they value solitude

Strengths of an introvert

Deep thinking

Introvert's are deep thinkers
They value solitude and they are more productive alone because it is a great source of power for the introvert's to have solitude. 

Solitude makes the introvert's process the information deeply to plan life that suites them and building a strategy to accomplish it.

Artistic minds

Its not surprising to see an introvert to be an artist because they have a very artistic mind and many of them are great writers and poet's or even great painters

Introvert's can be a great writers because they have the power to reflect on the past and make a sense out of it so they can head towards a better future

An introvert mind is good in planning their life step by step because they are aware of the pitfalls and the Consequence's of their action

Productivity in solitude

Introvert's are very productive 
After socialisation, introvert's needs time alone and replenish their energies. And in this time of solitude their creative mind gives them a fuel for creativity

That's why introvert's often spend time alone after any social activities because it recharge their mind and soul to plan better and more organised

Introvert's are highly creative and good in expressing themselves

As I mention, most of the introvert's are artist because introvert's are expressing their feelings through arts they may write a poem or a song to express how they deeply feel or sometimes they express it through painting's or music or sculptures or in any kinds of arts even expressing their emotions through dancing

They are the kind of people who doesn't want to be the center of attention so they keep expressing emotions by arts 

They are great observer's

Introvert's are great observer's they observe quietly and they will only speaks when needed. 

This makes the introvert read the mind of the person they are dealing with, and if you are fooling around with an introvert don't expect that you can fool them for a long time because eventually they may read you and may see your real purpose to them they know exactly what is hidden in the surface and they spot a person who is fooling them because of their ability to observe and to see the core of a person that gives them the ability to say no to anyone that will dictate them and they will give you an opposition of what you want because they are aware of your purpose to them

They are great listeners

They are in the idea that when you speak you may waste the chance to have a valuable idea that life might give you by listening

While the others are talking about their accomplishments and how they achieve it, they will not say anything they will listen and keep all the information inside their head to plan for better accomplishments that the others accomplished

They pay attention to the details and striving to learn about something and they can look in different perspectives to think better solutions to a problem

They can think out of the box and take note all the details to unlock the mystery of something or someone they are interested 

They highlight the strength and weakness of the person or even their selves to know how to act in a certain way without ruining everything

They have deep relationships

Introvert's develops a deep bond to others because they are good listeners and have a loving heart that will leads them to develop a deep relationships

They process the information of the person deeper and in this way they will know how to approach the person because they understand the person from its core not only from the surface

Introvert's are autonomous and independent

They can live their life on their own and more happy to be alone than to be with anyone who tries to manipulate them

They don't give their powers to others and being alone protects them from manipulative and abusive people they will not give you your satisfaction to control them so if you meet a genuine introvert never expect that this introvert will give in easily to the temptation you give just to give you the power to control them they may not talk but they will never obey you no matter what circumstances or temptation you put on the table this genuine introvert will just say no they can't be controlled by anyone or any situations they know how to control themselves very well

Introvert's are great leaders

Because they are great thinkers and observer's and they are good in processing information on their head they can think quick solutions to any problems and that's makes them a great leader

There are 4 types of introvert's

Social introvert's

They are the most outgoing and they don't feel shy in social circles and they even enjoy them but at the same time they feel emotionally drained if they spend time for too long in social circles

They are the are the kinds of introvert's who spend time alone for solitude but they still needs friends to depend on. But they don't share deeper things with their friends unless they are close to their heart

Thinking introvert

This introvert's are good at day dreaming 

They are the kind of introvert that is hard to connect they spend more time alone and day dreams of the person or things they want in life

Anxious introvert's or shy introvert's

They are the shy type of introvert's and this types of introvert's is high risk in developing social anxiety

If your an introvert that seeks approval of others and anxious of what other people say about you it may have a possibility that your a shy introvert
Some of the signs that you are an anxious introvert's are shaking, increase of heartbeat and nausea and you will intentionally run from a particular situation just to avoid this feelings 

If your experiencing this signs you needs some professional help to overcome this feeling and gain confidence for your self

Restrained introvert's

Restrained introvert's are reserved and don't let change because they find comfort in their routine and they find it hard to move their body after they wake up

The dark side of the introvert's

Inspite of all the good qualities of the introvert's like creative, intelligent and have a loving and soft heart introvert's have also dark sides

Here are some of the dark sides of the introvert's

Introvert's are easily stressed and needs to go in a protection mode

If your in a relationship with an introvert you will be surprised why they ghosted you without any reason

Its because introvert's needs time for themselves to recharge specially if the relationship is very draining to them

They find it hard to work in a team

Because introvert's are most likely to be alone and they are a great leader, they find it hard to follow rules or to collaborate to anyone in doing projects they more likely to do thing's alone

Over thinkers

Because they are deep thinkers sometimes they over thinks on the situations that sometimes leads to exaggeration or not recovering from past hurts and traumas

They are self critics

Introvert's are very hard on themselves and they are self critics they can have tendency to hate themselves if they done wrong and that will leads them to more and more heart breaks and pains because they don't know how to express how they feel in words and they don't want to be criticized by others that's why they do it to themselves

They are one of those perfectionist people that's why they try so hard to be perfect and forgets that its ok to have a mistake because it will help us learn more in life and we are only humans that can't be perfect no matter how hard we try to be perfect no one in this earth is perfect but the love of God


Another dark side of an introvert is pessimism, they always look for the negative sides of things even they see positive they will focus on the negative aspects of things

They are very grounded and realistic and sometimes they misinterpreted negativity to being realistic

Lost of identity

Introvert's have the tendency to lost their own identity

They absorb the energy of others easily because they are very sensitive people and sometimes they don't notice that they absorb the path and patterns of other people even their behavior's and this will lead them to lost their own unique indentities

Intentionally cutting contacts

They also intentionally cutting contacts because they need to recharge their energies and this action may hurt others feelings even they don't intentionally want to hurt them

If the person doesn't understand them it may lead to failure of relationship

Introvert's needs better and deeper understanding because they are deep kind of people and its hard for them to express their feelings to through words specially for those people who doesn't know how to listen 

Sometimes being an introvert is like a curse for them because they always feels alone even they have people around them because they know that people can't understand what they really feel deeper and most of the people only judge the physical and outer world so its hard for them to be understood by many.

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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