The magic of your smile - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The magic of your smile

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile though your heart is breaking
Smile though the life is so hard 
Smile though you don't have so much material things in life

Smile while everyone laughs at you 
Smile if someone betrayed you
Smile even everyone hates you 
Smile when everyone says your nothing

Smile don't cry 
Because people will be happy to see you cry 
But they will be envy to see your beautiful smile
And you will see your smile worth also a smile

Maybe the world will reject you 
Maybe they say there's nothing you can do
Maybe your naive the way they see you
Maybe for the eyes of others you are crazy too

Maybe they will do anything to pull you down
Maybe they will do things to take away your smile
Maybe they will say you are not worthy of that smile
Maybe they will say you know nothing in life but to smile

But your smile shows the beauty of your soul
Your smile will make them confused how you really feel 
Your smile will threatened them to go near you 
Your smile can push someone away or pull someone to be with you

Your smile will show how brave you are 
Your smile will show how strong you are
Your smile will show how innocent you are
Your smile will show how loving you are 

Your smile will show how faithful you are
Your smile will show how worthy you are
Your smile will show patient you are 
Your smile will show how intelligent you are

And the way you smile will show how you can face the world that not all people can do
The way you see the world that is different from the others do
When you smile you make also others smile
You light a day of someone who's heart is hiding it's cry

So just smile 
And others will be inspired of how you can still smile 
Others will see the big love you have to everyone
And eventually they will also smile when they see you smile

You know what's magic?
It's the magic from your smile
The magic of the sweet smile that you have is the pure heart of someone who carry the sweetest smile
That's the magic of your smile

Life is not easy but always remember to be happy and give happiness to others with your sweet loving and warm caring smile


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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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