The love beyond dreams - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The love beyond dreams

-Parent guidance is needed-
-This article may contain sensitive words that the child's mind may not understand- 
- Any events or things mentioned are not targeted or referred to anyone and everything stated in this article is just the imagination of my playful mind and it is untrue -

Shekah is a wonderful and loving girl a beautiful and intelligent girl but there is something that is hidden in her life

Ever since she is young she always dreams of a young boy named shan as her friend and this boy is always there for her even in her sad or happy days

She doesn't know, but whenever she dreams of shan its like true because its very vivid and also she feels everything 

She can't get shan out of her dreams until she became a teenager. Then she started to wonder why she can't get shan out of her dreams. And one day she feels that she is starting to miss shan if he never show in her dreams 

Then she asked her self like this; am I in love with shan? But how would it be? His only an imagination he doesn't even real

She always imagine to look for shan in real life to find out if he really exist. But she wonder how can she find shan and where will she start to find shan because she is not sure if shan really exist in real world not only in the dream world

She is planning to scape her real life she say to her self that when she finished her study and will be able to earn enough money she will scape her life now and find shan. She will go wherever her feet takes her and she believes that if shan exist in reality and he is her destiny, she believes that her destiny will lead her to him

But her plan was ruined, when she reach 18 years old because she was married with a man that her mother choose for her

She thought that her dreaming of shan will be stopped because she already have a husband but the dream becomes more vivid and this time she dreams of shan to be her husband not her friend

Every time that her husband is outside for work shekah will sleep at the afternoon to take a rest and that time she is alone shekah will dream about shan having a romantic contact with her and it is very vivid that she almost feel his body and smell the scent of his body. And when shekah wakes up she is sweating too much and she really feels tired and her body is very painful like her dream happened in reality

Then after how many months that she have a husband she got pregnant to her first baby. But still shan is visiting her in her dreams taking care of her its like in reality she have her husband but in her dreams shan is her husband

When she delivered her first baby she thinks that the face of her baby looks like shan but shekah never say anything because she knows that no one will believe her and she is happy to see that her baby looks like shan because even she don't see shan in real life she see her baby having the same look of face with shan 

Until one night shan just stop visiting her on her dreams and shekah starts to miss her like crazy but she keeps the feeling of loneliness she feels inside but she can't tell to anyone because shan is only her love inside her dreams

When she got pregnant to her second and third child they all looks like the face of her husband and this time shekah was judge by the people because of the differences of the looks of her kids

They say that she commits adultery that's why her first child doesn't looks like her husband and its not a child of her husband 

But shekah stays silent because she knows that no one touched her body in reality but her husband

Until one day she saw a man who named Shan on Facebook that was very looks like the shan that is on her dreams. She feels nervous and her heart beats very fast because she remembered everything, his love, his kiss, his care and even his body and the scent of shan's body comes back from her memories

She don't know if she will send a friend request or not but she get her courage to send him a message because she see that shan is a writer and a blogger and she always wants to be a blogger because she has so much passion in writing and to many kinds of arts

She start a simple message to him asking him if he can teach her how to blog but she don't expect too much that shan will answer her message but in her heart she wants shan to send back a message so she can be close to her but she is afraid in case shan will message because she knows that she already love him before she met him in reality 

She wants to know more about shan and to be close to him even as friend or a student of shan in blogging

Unexpectedly shan replied and she felt very happy, a butterflies on her stomach that time when she see shan's message and she felt very happy 

She tried to keep her emotions and be formal as she can. But she can't stop the mix emotions she is feeling that time she's happy and can't even believe that shan exist in reality not only beyond her dreams

Until they become friends and eventually they developed feelings for each other and had an online relationship but its painful for them to love each other because they live in a different sides of the world 

Their love story is like a thunder that hits them very fast and even they already talking in reality, shekah still feels that she is dreaming and she knows that she already love shan before she met him online but she can't tell it to shan because she don't want shan to think that she is crazy

Shan helped her to enter blogging and he also reciprocated to her love and shekah was very happy to the love that shan is giving her 

But the longer they stay in a relationship the more they see their relationship very confusing and impossible to have in reality

Until the time has come to them that they decided to end their relationship because its the right thing to do and will be more good for everyone

Even though shan is not in shekah's life anymore, she never felt alone because their love continuously goes on and on inside their heart and shekah make shan as an inspiration every time she write an article and whenever she write an article she feels that shan is with her guiding her to her best version of her self

And she still dreams and feels shan's love even though they are not talking anymore

And now the most special time for shekah is the time that she will sleep because inspite of her hectic schedule and very tired day, she feels like coming home to shan's arms every night

Shekah is very happy and thankful to God for his love, the love that exist to her life that no one can understand "the love beyond dreams"

-The end-

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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