Balance Judgement - Learning Lessons


Friday, May 20, 2022

Balance Judgement

- Reminder - 
-Parental Guidance is needed-
-This article may contain some thoughts and words that can't be easily understand by a young mind -
-This article is written to add some knowledge and not to debate or argue -
-every one has a free will from God-

There are many people we encounter in our daily life.
People who have different stories and different attitude. Even people who have different cultures and beliefs.
But how do we know the person? 

Can we know the person because of his name? 
Or because of his family background? 
Or maybe by the persons color and nationality?
All of this are only the basic way to know the person, but this things never described who is that person the more deeper way.
Many people don't want to make friends with people who have different colors, cultures and even different nationality.
They base friendship on their status in life.
Discrimination and judgement as the result of this kind of thinking.
That's why there are many bullies specially to the young ages.
But whose fault is that?
Why do we need to discriminate others?
Why do we need to separate the white with the black?
Why do you need to separate from the poor if your rich?
And who are we?
Are we perfect?
As far as I know we are all humans and we are all created by one God.
Just like the story of Mary Magdalene
She was a woman caught doing adultery, people execute her by throwing stones.
They will throw her stones untill death.
But this was Jesus said to the crowd that is executing her;
In John 8:17 ( King James Version )
So when they continued asking him, he lift up himself, and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone upon her.
And one by one the crowd was gone.
If Jesus never cast a stone at her even Jesus is a righteous person, then who are we to judge a person in the same situation like her?
Even your black or your white, even your the king or a president of a country, your still a human.
Just like the parable of the rich fool.
Jesus use this parable to teach the crowd.
And he said, beware!!! Keep yourselves from covetousness, for a man's life doesn't consist of the aboundance of things which he possesses.
Luke 12:16 - 20
16 And he told them this parable: " the ground of a certain rich man yielded an aboundant harvest.
17 He thought to himself, 'what shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'
18 then he said, ' this is what I'll do, I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, And there I will store my surplus grain.
19 And I'll say to my self, " you have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink and be merry."
20 " But God said to him, you fool this very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for your self?"
Anything we have, comes from God. And we can't take anything if we die.
Yes you work hard for your reputation.
Yes you work hard for your money.
Yes you work hard for everything you have.
But even how hard you work if God wants to take it all you can't do anything.
Just like the story of Job from the old testament.
Job is a righteous man and he avoid to do evil.
And because of his righteousness, Satan challenged God that he is only righteous because he have everything.
He have a happy family and he is living in an aboundant life.
That's why God allowed Satan to test Job. But he don't allow Satan to take Job's life.
In just one night Jobs livestock, servants, and his 10 children died due to marounding invaders and natural catastrophies.
But still Job stay faithfull to God.
That's why Satan challenged God again.
He said to God that it's because job is still in good health that's why he still have a reason to praise God.
God let Satan take Jobs good health and Job was afflicted with horrible skin sores.
People and his friends judged him that he is unrighteous and he is a sinful man and he deserves more than that.
Even his wife asked him to turn his back to his God and surender to die.
But Job still become faithfull to God.
Although he asked God why he forgive those people who is doing wrong and punish him inspite of his righteousness, God took everything from him except his life and his wife.
But Job realized that he has no right to question God's plan to his life. That's why he asked for God's forgiveness and give his trust to God whatever his plan to him.
Because of his faithfulness, God gaved back his health. And more the wealth he had before. Even a bigger and happier family.
That's why who ever you are, it's not important to God. What's important to him is your clean heart and your faith to him that you trust him whatever happens to your life.
So don't look at your self so high. Because who ever you are, what ever status you have in life, your still human who depends his life to God.
And no one can be higher than God, period.
So love and respect others because we all have the right to be respect and love.
And don't judge others because of their situations in life.
You and me, and all of us, we are all at the same level in front of our all mighty God.
No white, no black, no rich, no poor, no wise, no fool.
Because we will all face his balance Judgement someday.
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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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