It's all about water - Learning Lessons


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

It's all about water


Dihydrogen monoxide: other name for water
Chemical formula: H2O
Physical characteristics: it is an organic transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance.

Water is a source of life to every living things. It also provides no calories or organic nutrients.

Water is known to be the universal solvent and it is also vital for all forms of life and it can exist in States of liquid, solid, or gas.

Water is one of the most substance that is existing on earth. All living things and also some of none living things needs water for their function.

Dihydrogen monoxide, it is the technical name for water and it is also known as hydroxil acid, the major component of the rain that is contributing to the greenhouse effect that may cause severe burns.

Water also contributes to the soil erosion of many natural landscapes when raining.

But what are the some positive benefits of water in our life?

Water quenches our thirst and it regulates our body temperature.

All animals needs water to drink specially humans. Because humans are considered to be a high classification of animals.

Our body weight is about 60℅ of water, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

From every single cell of our body, organs, and tissues needs water to regulate temperature and to maintain the regular functions of the body.
Because water keeps the tissues in our body moist.

Drinking water makes our body hydrated 

Water also protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints because it acts as a lubricant and cushion for the joints.

Water prevents us from becoming dehydrated.

It helps to keep the eyes nose and mouth from getting dry, because it retains optimum levels of moisture in this sensitive areas as well in the blood, bones, and brain.

Our body needs to maintain it's natural hydration level. And because our body looses fluids when engaging to some activities, vigorous exercises, sweating, illness, such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea, we need to drink water to replace the fluids that our body loose.

Water normalises the function of our internal organs and it can help to prevent from bladder infections and urinary track infections.

For a mother that is breast feeding, water will helps to increase the fluids in the mothers body resulting for a mother to have more milk. That's why a mother needs to drink more water if she wants to produce more milk for her child.

Water also helps our digestive system to have a normal function because it helps our digestive system to digest soluble fiber and it helps to breaks down the food that we eat, allowing its nutrients to be absorbed well by the body.

Water also helps to move the nutrients from the food we eat to our blood streams and also breaks down the nutrients that is entering our body.

Consuming water in a regular basis normalises the function of our body that's why we needs to consume 8 or more glasses of water every day to make our body healthy and strong and to make its function normal.

"Take note" the best drink that we can drink is water if we want to keep our body healthy and strong. 

So make sure we drink more water than the other drinks.

- Disclaimer -

- This article is only based on my personal research, I am not a health specialist so if your suffering from any illnesses please consult your doctor -

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Thank you very much and may God always bless you

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Thanks friend for giving us helpful facts about water

it's just me said...

Welcome, and thank you also for reading my article.

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